our services

Cryro Slimming

Cryo Slimming, known as fat freezing, is a method of Body Sculpting that uses freezing temperatures to destroy unwanted fat cells and helps reveal your thinner self.


CryoTherapy has been used for decades to treat and/or heal a variety of conditions.

Compression Suit

The Slimyonik Body Styler is a full body detox that mobilizes your entire lymphatic system. It’s also a great addition to a Cryo Slimming treatment.

Jet Plasma

The Jet Plasma Pen fuses plasma straight into the dermis, remodeling the skin from the inside out for tightening, reduction of wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and acne. All with No Pain, No Numbing, No Downtime!

Plasma Fibroblast

The Plasma Pen resurfaces the top layer of the skin and stimulates the next layer where collagen production occurs. The process creates new building blocks for skin tightening, wrinkle reduction, age reversal.


Microchanneling with the state-of-the-art Procell device is a revolutionary, non invasive treatment to stimulate your body’s own natural ability to generate collagen, elastin and other building blocks for healthy skin.


The Youthinator offers Korean Corrective Facials and CryoFacials


The Youthinator offers a BioRePeel and the Time machine Peel.

Frequency Healing Table

A vibroacoustic healing portal. The bed uses sound and vibration to target every cell in your body, creating a transformative experience at the connective tissue level.

Cryo slimming

  • Cryo Slimming - often called fat freezing - is a method of Body Sculpting that uses freezing temperatures to destroy unwanted fat cells and helps reveal your thinner self.

    At The Youthinator, Mick uses an innovative device that applies freezing temperatures directly to those stubborn areas of fat - especially in the places that don’t seem to respond to diet or exercise. Fat cells, which are much more susceptible to cold temperatures than other cells, eventually die off, and are flushed out of the body through the lymphatic system.

    The number of treatments needed will vary from person to person, but 10 weekly sessions are recommended for most.

  • CoolSculpting uses suction and an applicator. The targeted fat is only the portion that is in the suction, treatment takes between 30 and 60 minutes, and can be quite painful and costly.

    Mick’s Kaasen Cryo Slimming device, on the other hand, uses a high intensity spray of frigid gas, so we are able to reach almost any area of concern and can treat the entire area in only minutes, Cryo Slimming is considered safe, effective and much less expensive than other alternatives.

  • Depending on the area being treated, you will either be standing up or lying down. Mick will use her specialized instrument to “blast” the area with frigid, dry gas until the area reaches a temperature where fat cells begin to die off.

    This takes just a few short minutes. It is not considered painful, but it’s cold!! A shake plate may be used afterward to stimulate the lymphatic system, which is what ultimately flushes the fat cells out of the body. And when they’re gone, they’re gone forever!

    In some cases improvement can be seen right away, but a series of treatments is strongly recommended for the best outcome.

  • Body Sculpting with our Cryo Slimming device is a great option for any adult wanting to decrease areas of stubborn fat, sculpt a leaner, healthier body, tighten and lift their skin. Cryo Slimming is not a weight loss treatment, but is for fat loss and likely inch loss.

Cryo Slimming Before and After


  • Cryotherapy has been used for decades to treat and/or heal a variety of conditions. Subjecting a body to extreme cold temperatures brings about physiological changes that promote healing, release natural pain killers, decrease inflammation and promote blood flow.

    Mick uses localized Cryotherapy, where she administers burst of frigid temperatures applied directly to the problem area. Some find relief from chronic pain for days after the treatment.

    Cryotherapy speeds up the body’s own healing process for acute conditions, promoting more optimal functioning and decreasing recovery time for injuries.

  • The bust of frigid temperature for our hand held cryotherapy device can provide temporary relief from inflammatory or chronic conditions including Arthritis and Fibromyalgia.

    Cryotherapy temporarily numbs the nerves and triggers the brain to produce natural pain killers and endorphins.

    Healing time for other issues including: Injuries, Muscle Soreness, Back Pain, Headaches, Bruises

  • Depending on the area being treated, you will either be standing up or lying down. Mick will use her specialized instrument to “blast” the area with frigid, dry gas. This takes just a few short minutes. It is not considered painful, but it’s cold!

  • CryoTherapy is great option for any adult wanting to decrease pain and inflammation.

Compression Suit

  • The Slimyonik full-body compression suit is a device designed for body contouring and lymphatic drainage.

    The suit uses computer-assisted pressure-wave massage to mobilize the lymphatic system, stimulate metabolic activity, and improve blood circulation in the skin and fat tissues.

  • Key benefits of the Slimyonik suit include:

    -Enhanced lymphatic drainage and detoxification

    -Reduced cellulite and improved skin texture

    -Increased metabolism and fat burning

    -Improved blood circulation and oxygenation of tissues

    -Relief from muscle soreness and faster recovery post-exercise

    -Overall relaxation and well-being

  • During a session, you wear a suit that contains 24 pressure chambers which apply alternating compression to different parts of your body.

    The treatment can help reduce the appearance of cellulite, support fat reduction, improve skin firmness, and promote relaxation​.

Jet Plasma

  • The Jet Plasma Pen painlessly sends volts of energy to the dermal layer, stimulating collagen production to magically turn back time.

    No trauma is created on the surface and most normal activity can be resumed right away.

  • If you arrive with makeup, that will be removed. We will take “before” photos and sign a consent form.

    The treatment itself involves the Jet Plasma Pen moving around the area for about 15-20 minutes total.

    You will feel slight warmth from the tool, but absolutely no pain. It’s very relaxing. Next, a topical product will be applied, and “after” photos will be taken.

    Results last 3-5 years.

  • You will be instructed to put no skincare products on (other than what is applied during treatment), and no heavy sweating for 12 hours. After that, you may resume your regular daily activity.

Jet Plasma Before and After

Plasma Fibroblast

  • As we age, the structure of our skin begins to break down and the deeper layers no longer support the surface. This degenerative process creates sagging and wrinkling, loose, aged skin. The only way, as an adult, to gain new scaffolding – new collagen – is to reactivate the collagen producing cells, the fibrocytes, (hence the term “Fibroblasting.” This is done by creating purposeful, controlled micro injuries.

    The Plasma Pen resurfaces the top layer of the skin and stimulates the next layer where collagen production occurs. There is an immediate “shrinkage” of the skin being treated, and the wound healing cascade begins, creating new building blocks for skin tightening, wrinkle reduction, age reversal. Visible results can be immediate, but the full collagen benefits won’t be realized for 12 weeks.

    The Plasma Pen can also be used to reduce pore size, treat scarring, remove pigmentation (brown spots), remove skin tags, treat ruptured oil glands, or simply as a skin resurfacer (this is called a “Plasma Peel”). The most exciting thing is that it can be used on virtually any area of the skin.

  • When you arrive we will discuss contraindications, insuring you are a suitable candidate for the treatment, what to expect for an outcome, what to expect during and post treatment and how to care for your skin afterward.

    We will take “before” photos and discuss exactly what area is to be treated. A numbing cream will be applied which will sit for 25 minutes.

    The treatment begins with a “spraying” technique for resurfacing the area. Next, a secondary numbing, followed by a “dot” technique, purposely creating a micro injury which stimulates inflammation and the healing cascade. Know that, although the numbing cream is helpful, it is not a completely numb process. However, it is not considered painful by most clients. Some say it is similar to getting a tattoo.

    ​Treatment time varies, depending on the size of area, but could be 1-3 hours. Larger areas may need to be broken down into more than one treatment for the best possible healing response.

    You will have tiny little scab dots across the entire treated area and it will feel similar to a sunburn for the rest of that day.

  • Avoid sun tanning for 4-6 weeks before treatment. We recommend using SPF40 to prep your skin for 2-4 weeks before hand, especially if you are naturally darker skinned.

    Depending on your heritage and the amount of melanin in the skin, some may want to use a Tyrosinaise inhibitor for 2-4 weeks ahead of time to insure no overproduction of pigment. I have that product on hand.

    Avoid any other procedures in the same area for 3-4 weeks ahead of time.

    ​Discontinue RetinA for 3-4 days ahead of time.

    ​Remove contact lenses and eyelash extensions if getting an eye treatment.

    Purchase a vitamin C supplement, enough for 2000mg per day for 7 days. Purchase saline water/wipes, or a jug of distilled water.

  • We call this a “social” downtime, meaning there is no real chance of infection or damage (other than by the sun) by being out in public. It’s just that you won’t look your best. Plan on sticking around the house for a few days.

    The first day will feel like a sunburn, it will feel hot and tight. Know that this is a good thing!

    Days 2-3: Inflammation will be visible, especially if the treated area was the eyes or forehead. If the actual eyelids were treated, the inflammation may be significant. Inflammation is good and should not be discouraged with anti inflammatory products such as ibuprofen, aspirin or ice packs. Refrigerated saline wipes, gently pressed into the treated area are great for soothing.

    Days 3-7: New epithelial tissue is revealed as the tiny carbon crusts flake off. None of this is painful, but may be itchy. The crusts will flake off naturally, and are usually gone within 7 days. The new skin below could be a bit pink for several more days, sometimes even weeks.

    Weeks 1-12: Along with the formation of the new top layer of skin, the Plasma Pen treatment initiates a comprehensive healing response which takes place over the next 12 weeks. There is extensive dermal remodeling that includes new collagen synthesis, production of elastin, cross linking between collagen and elastin fibrils (this is what strengthens, plumps, inflates and lifts the structure of the skin), and the reversal of premature degradation of the dermal elastic tissue.

    12 Weeks-3 years: Many other exciting things happen including the formation of new blood vessels and the release of growth factors. Among these growth factors are cytokines – small proteins important in modulating our immune response, our cell aging, and the repair and growth of new cells. All these positive changes help slow down or prevent many future negative effects caused by aging.

    Results: Smoother, plumper, rejuvenated, more supple, youthful skin.

Plasma Fibroblast Before and After


  • Microchanneling is a revolutionary, non invasive treatment to stimulate your body’s own natural ability to generate collagen, elastin and other building blocks for healthy skin.

    The state-of-the-art Procell tool is used along with a stem cell growth factor serum for fantastic results on fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, stretch marks, and rosacea. 3-6 monthly treatments are recommended.

  • After consultation, we will take your ‘before’ pictures, then apply numbing cream for about 25 minutes. The actual treatment takes around 30 minutes for the face. The treatment involves the Procell mechanical tool and a ‘stamping’ technique. (Know that it is not a completely numb process, but most do not consider it painful, either.) The stem cell serum is applied during the treatment. You will be sent home with aftercare products.

  • Avoid sun tanning for 4-6 weeks before treatment. We recommend using SPF40 to prep your skin for 2-4 weeks before hand, especially if you are naturally darker skinned.

    Depending on your heritage and the amount of melanin in the skin, some may want to use a Tyrosinaise inhibitor for 2-4 weeks ahead of time to insure no overproduction of pigment. I have that product on hand.

    Avoid any other procedures in the same area for 3-4 weeks ahead of time.

    ​Discontinue RetinA for 3-4 days ahead of time.

    ​Remove contact lenses and eyelash extensions if getting an eye treatment.

    Purchase a vitamin C supplement, enough for 2000mg per day for 7 days. Purchase saline water/wipes, or a jug of distilled water.

  • We call this a ‘no downtime’ treatment, in that you can pretty much resume normal life. You may be pink the next day, but nothing you need to hide out from. You likely will feel extra dry for a while, so lots of moisturizer is recommended.

    Here’s what to do immediately afterward:

    -Do not apply anything to the area for 90 minutes after your treatment.

    -Do not touch the treated area with your hands, cell phone, or any foreign object for 90 minutes after treatment.

    -Resume your regular activities the next day, though you may be a bit pink/dry feeling.

    -Avoid direct sunlight for 24 hours: you may apply sunscreen after 90 minutes.

    -After 24 hours, apply your take home post care serums 2x per day: Cellular Renewal (step 1), wait 30 seconds and apply Healing Accelerator Serum (step 2). Let dry completely before applying anything else

    -Wash your face as normal and continue your regular at home products

    -Tightness, dryness is normal for the first few days. Moisturize often with your favorite product for best results.

    -Drink a minimum of 64oz of water per day.

Microneedling Before and After


Mick specializes in Korean Corrective Treatment facials and also offers an express CryoFacial.

Korean Corrective Treatment facials are offered at 60, 75 and 90 minute length. Every treatment includes microdermabrasion and a signature peel or hydration therapy. All using Nutrative products, ultrasonic extraction, dermal infusion, shoulder and face massage. Longer facials will include additional treatments as time allows. These facials are known to restore your gorgeous glow.

The Cryo Facial Express applies Frigid temperatures of CO2 to the face and neck causing an immediate rush of fresh, oxygenated blood for tightening, lifting and a boost of collagen, creating more radiant, youthful skin.


Mick offers Two beautiful skin peels.

The BioRePeel includes fourteen active ingredients that create profound stimulation of skin replication to counter the effects of skin aging and oxidative damage.

The Time Machine Peel This peel utilizes gold and sea sponge spicules to stimulate collagen production and cause the top layers of skin to slough off over a few days to reveal beautiful new skin.

Frequency Healing Table

Change your vibe, change your life!  With the vibroacoustic healing portal from Bioharmonic Technologies we can release cellular trauma and put the body in an optimal state for healing.

The sound and vibration target every cell in your body, creating a transformative experience at the connective tissue level.